Job statuses
Waiting for file to be uploaded in URI
File has been uploaded and submitted to server
Rendering GPU has been assigned and file is added to queue
GPU has been assigned.
File is now ready to render
File is being rendered
File has been rendered
File couldn't rendered due to runtime error
This probably happened if your file is broken is contains error
File can't be exported or rendered
This might be due to there are errors in file or file type not supported
File is expired
Each file is only valid for 24 hours.
Whether you didn't downloaded your result or the file is not rendered within 24 hours, it will be expired
You will be only charged for successful rendered job.
Until you didn't submit first job, you can't apply for new job
If your job was not successful or expired (before rendering), you will not be charged
None of your data will be stored or used in our side for any kind of purpose. So you can be confidential to use our API.
All download able links will be invalid after 24 hours
All upload able links will be invalid after 15 minutes
Last updated